Eric Kerby: Photography, Web Design, Programming


A portrait with pets
      I have a wide variety of skills in the photographic and graphic arts. I have taken photographs for many different clients with different needs. Currently I work primarily with digital processes. This allows me to have a very fast turnaround and also ensures that I capture excellent images before leaving an assignment. Have a look at my equipment on the About page.
A sepia-toned still-life
      I also work with Mac, Windows, and Linux computers on a daily basis. I have aquired an impressive amount of expertise working with these three operating systems and assisting others with technical issues. If you have any questions about a computer issue or technology in general, hop by the Forum and ask away! My knowledge comes partly from solving my own problems, but much more comes from helping others. I would be glad to help you learn more about the capabilities of the technology in your life.

      Note: Now that I am a college student, my business has taken a secondary role to my college work. This also means I will be traveling back and forth between Rochester, New York and Hampton Roads, Virginia. Therefore I am only able to guarantee my availability for an assignment on a client by client basis. Please contact me if you are interested in my work.
After retouching
Before retouching


     I generally charge two fees for a given job or assignment. One fee is the project cost, which covers elements such as materials used, difficulty of job, time spent, etc. The other fee covers the prints purchased. Project costs vary widely, ranging from under $30 to over $500.